PT. EKATAMA PERMATA is a company established with a passion for providing service and product excellence in the field of: - electricity, - machinery, - mining, - oil and gas industries, and ....
Information Technology is engaged in the form of software and hardware
CV. GALANG DAYA PRATAMA or GDP Electrical is a company that concern in Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and General Trading, allways ready to support all partner to get a goals together. As a company....
PT. DUTA FUJI ELECTRIC ( PT. DFE) was established on july 27th, 1979 in jakarta. The company acting as sole agent for the Distribution and Control ( D& C) of Fuji Electric electrical components....
QRMA ( Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer) QRMA is a medical device which uses to examine the health of the human body and the human can know about any diseases in the human body and we also know....
Established on November 2, 1990 under the name. CATUDAYA PERKASA, and on 24 August 2001 changed its name to PT. DATA CATUDAYA Prakasa VISION: Being the national industry with high technology....
Contractor, Panel Builder & Supplier electrical component
PRATAMA TEKNIKA adalah salah satu perusahaan Dagang yang sedang berkembang dibandung saat ini, khususnya dalam bidang penyediaan barang dan alat - alat untuk kebutuhan industri Pharmacy yang ada di....